
EdgeAI – Edge AI Technologies for Optimised Performance Embedded Processing

EdgeAI – Edge AI Technologies for Optimised Performance Embedded Processing, EU Horizon Europe Framework Programme, contract no. 101097300, related to the digital transition towards intelligent processing solutions at the edge.

3SUN – Real-world assessment of 3rd-generation Solar cells: a UNified scientific approach

3SUN – Real-world assessment of 3rd-generation Solar cells: a UNified scientific approach, PSR 2020 – SEED, related to the development of integrated experimental and modelling tools to assess the role of environmental stress factors (ESFs) on new materials for renewable energy production, taking 3rd-generation Dye-Sensitized Solar Cells (DSSCs) as a case-study.

PRIN COSMOS – COntactlesS Multibiometric mObile System in the wild

PRIN COSMOS – COntactlesS Multibiometric mObile System in the wild, contract no. 201548C5NY, related to the study of techniques for multi-biometric person verification and recognition, including most contact-less biometrics, smartphones, and tablets.

Deep Learning and CUDA for advanced and less-constrained biometric systems

Deep Learning and CUDA for advanced and less-constrained biometric systems, funded by NVIDIA Corporation.

Edison S.p.A – Prediction of the electric power production

Computational intelligence and signal processing techniques for predicting electric power production in power plants based on renewable energy, funded by Edison S.p.A.

ABC4EU – Automatic Border Control Gates for Europe

ABC4EU – Automatic Border Control for Europe, Seventh Framework European research project, at the Università degli Studi di Milano, Italy, contract 312797, related to the study and implementation of novel automatic border control systems.

I-PAN – Innovative Poplar Low Density Structural Panel

I-PAN – Innovative Poplar Low Density Structural Panel, Seventh Framework European research project, contract 308630, related to the study and implementation of techniques for the production of innovative low-density poplar strands boards.

ASEM – Adaptive Systems for Environmental Monitoring

ASEM – Adaptive Systems for Environmental Monitoring, contract Unimi per il Futuro – 5 per Mille 2009-ATE-0073, sponsored by the Università degli Studi di Milano, Italy, coordinator Prof. F. Scotti, related to the study and implementation of innovative environmental and critical infrastructure monitoring systems.